Saturday, August 3, 2013

Here and Beyond: New Týr Song, Other New Things, Reunited Emperor

Welcome back to another installment of me voicing my own opinions on a variety of metal-related things.

This post was originally supposed to have happened sometime around Wednesday, but I've been busy and feeling under the weather since Saturday, so obviously that wasn't going to happen. So, in order to make up for the time it took to actually make this post, I decided to talk about a lot more than I would have normally. We've had a bunch of new songs unveiled and just general stuff announced since my last post on this here blog, so there's going to be quite a bit of material here (a long with some other stuff). You might as well grab a flagon of mead, sit back, and enjoy my ramblings for the next several minutes 'cause




New TÝR Song-"Blood of Heroes"

So last Monday (June 22nd), Faroe Island folk metallers Týr released a new track from their upcoming album, Valkyrja. This one’s called “Blood of Heroes” and will be the first track of what is to be a concept album about a Viking warrior who left his woman to impress a Valkyrie on the battlefield so that she may take him to Valhalla.

I was extremely excited, as usual, when I heard that another band I adore was giving fans a sneak peek at what they’ve been up to, holed up in a studio for the past few months. This time, Týr got George Kollias to aid them as a guest drummer, making me all the more joyous and eager to hear what they’ve got in store for us this time. I’ve been a fan of Týr for a little while now, with such favorites of mine being “Valhalla”, “Hold the Heathen Hammer High”, and “The Hammer of Thor”, and Heri Joensen is undoubtedly one of my favorite clean vocalists in metal. I had high hopes for “Blood of Heroes”, and was eager to prove to myself that I won’t be disappointed with Valkyrja (not that I ever expected to be, of course).

And you know what?

“Blood of Heroes” is wonderful.

I literally could not stop listening to this song the day it was released. It was incredibly catchy, both musically and lyrically, which makes it very hard to not hit the replay button over and over again. Heri’s voice is just as charming, if not more, than it was on previous releases, and is the primary reason I began liking the band in the first place, as usual. The guitar solo is another highlight, and George Kollias’ drumming is as nice and clean as ever. The only negative thing I have to say about it is that it ends a bit…suddenly after the chorus. Of course, this can be overlooked, as you’ll probably just hear it all again immediately afterwards several times over, anyway. 

I can tell that this will be played live a lot, and that the crowd will have absolutely no problem with shouting that great chorus back at Heri.

Brief exchange between myself and @Chrisbizarre13 (I do not know why his icon wouldn't show up)

That’s basically what this song makes you feel while listening to it. If you say that the chorus to this song isn’t catchy and enjoyable, then you’re a little nuts.

TYR-Blood of Heroes

Click here to pre-order  Týr's Valkyrja (shirt, CD, vinyl, and rune pendant bundle available).

Other New Things

Quite a few things have been announced/released over the past week. So many that I decided to just lump them all into one post because I completely put-off making this post earlier this week as promised. So you get about twice/three-times as much of my opinion as you would usually receive! Lucky you!

New Fleshgod Apocalypse Song-“Minotaur (The Wrath of Poseidon)”

Alright, so I was hooked on this song from the very beginning. I won’t spend a whole lot of time discussing this song since I did a lengthier post on “Elegy”, but it is equally deserving of a spotlight. Maestro Ferrini opens up this track, though what I especially loved about this track was that, one, it featured a choir, and two, you can hear the guitars. The choir is not too overpowering, and it’s about damn time you got to hear what Tommaso and Cristiano are actually playing.

This is also a song I can hear being played live a lot (and I do really hope I get to hear it on Wednesday), as chanting along to “kill the king” and “gods kill for me” is simply irresistible.

Also, this track features some angry shouting in Italian like “Abyssal” did on Mafia and I think may have been included somewhere in Agony. A nice touch, despite not having any idea what’s being said at all.

FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE-Minotaur (The Wrath of Poseidon)

 Click here to pre-order Labyrinth (CD + shirt pre-orders available).

New Cattle Decapitation Video-“Your Disposal”

So I like Cattle, and I love this song, and the entire album, Monolith of Inhumanity, is incredible.

This video was alright. 

The concept of it was good, but the video didn’t really showcase much of that concept. I’d watched “Forced Gender Reassignment”, and yes, I was a bit grossed out, so I was a bit skeptical on watching this one. However, it had been allowed on YouTube, so it couldn’t have been that bad. If you weren’t a fan of the “Forced” video, or were too squeamish to even try to watch it, I can tell you that you really haven’t anything to fear with the new video. But honestly, the failed attempt at trying to tie a clear concept into the video should have been left out, and the video should have just portrayed the band playing. It was too choppy and jumpy, and the cuts with the actual “video” were too short to even understand what message the director was trying to get across without reading the description. Overall, it was just a bit too “artsy” for me. There are some videos I can watch over and over again and still love them every time.

This isn’t one of them.


New Devildriver Song-“The Appetite”

I’ve never been one to gush over Devildriver. I’ve seen them live, and I give them props – they’re a good live band. I like “Clouds Over California” and probably couldn’t name any other song of theirs unless I really thought about it. They’re one of those bands where, if someone had them on while I was around, I wouldn’t complain about it. I enjoy them, but I’m not sure I would consider myself a ‘fan’. I support them, I bought one of their shirts when I saw them with GWAR, but yeah, I’m not too crazy about them, for whatever reason.

With “The Appetite”, that doesn’t change. My opinion isn’t worsened or bettered with this track. It was good, it was enjoyable, I wouldn’t complain if someone put it on while I was around. To me, it’s the in the same category as the rest of their material. Nothing too special to me, but nothing I’ll complain about either.

This song is pretty catchy (if not a little repetitive), the guitar work is nice, the vocals are alright though I was never too big a fan of their vocals in the first place. They’re just one of those bands that I never really got into. I may not have a reason as to why, but that’s just how it is sometimes. They’re coming around with I think Trivium within the next few months, and I’ll probably go and see them again for the hell of it, but for the most part I’m sort of neutral towards them.

If you’re a Devildriver fan, you’ll like “The Appetite”. If you’re like me, well…you won’t mind it.


Click here for a variety of pre-order options for Winter Kills.

New Gorguts Song-“Colored Sands”

This is honestly the first Gorguts song I’ve ever heard, and I’ve had so many people go completely nuts over this band lately even though they’ve technically been around since ’89. Apparently, this is their first studio album in twelve years (beat that, Wintersun and Necrophagist!...but seriously, please don’t try), and their first release since reforming in ’08.

I’m sorry to say, but, from this song, I don’t understand the hype. Perhaps I’ll get around to going back and listening to the band’s other four full-length albums, but until then, I remain neutral and primarily unimpressed. It’s nothing new to my ears, and nothing too incredibly unique. A bit slow for my tastes at times, but perhaps that’s just how they play. It isn’t bad at all, that’s not what I’m trying to say. It just isn’t anything surprising or uniquely spectacular. They know how to play their instruments and they play them well, creating some good and overall-enjoyable death metal, that much is clear, but what am I missing that is so worth losing your minds over with this band?

I’d be thrilled if someone could cue me in on the secret.

GORGUTS-Colored Sands (link)

Go here for Gorguts pre-orders (am I done with all these links yet?).

In other news:

-A new Overkill album due in March! This will be their seventeenth album. That’s insane. I have so much respect for these guys. My brother saw them a few months ago and Bobby was apparently sick with some nasty cold or something, and he still sang as well then as on a regular night (so sayeth the brother). Plus, his voice overall has aged like the finest of wines. For 33 years now, this band has been putting out great thrash records, and they just keep going. They’re crazy, and you can’t not love them, or you probably at least find it hard to not respect these guys. The Electric Age was awesome, so I’m looking forward to March, and seeing these guys with Kreator and Warbringer this Halloween.

-Behemoth's Nergal says The Satanist will require another six months before it’s released. What an eager six months of waiting that’ll be…I can’t wait until we get to see some previews for this. I’m especially curious as to how Nergal will sound in the studio for the first time since ’09, what with recovering from leukemia and all. He’s progressively sounded better live since then, from what I can tell in fan-shot videos and whatnot, so I definitely have some high, high hopes for this album.

-Obituary launches a fundraising campaign for their next album. Honestly? I think this is a great idea for fans to show support for bands. I know that Abiotic has used a fundraising campaign when their van broke down, Battlecross did so they could attend Mayhem Fest, and I believe Hate set up something for donations to Mortifer’s family to cover funeral costs etc. after he passed away a few months ago. It’s just an awesome way for fans to show support, and sometimes bands even offer special ‘prizes’ as thank-yous to those who help. Battlecross definitely had some awesome ‘rewards’ for those who donated to their being able to attend Mayhem. One of Obituary’s thank-yous is, for donating 100-149 dollars, is an autographed poster, drumstick and vinyl, plus a physical and digital copy of the album, a shirt, hat, sticker, death metal coozie, and guitar pick. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty fair, and pretty badass. So it isn’t exactly a “hand-out” like some people claim. You aren’t getting nothing in return, and you wouldn’t be anyway. You’d be helping a great band put out another album! What about your “keep the metal alive” mentality there, huh?

With 43 days left to go, Obituary has already passed their $10,000 goal by about $1,500. The minimum pledge is $1, and you can go *here* if you’d still like to donate regardless. All ‘prizes’ are listed along the right, with all info regarding…everything summarized on the page.

-And Motorhead’s set at Wacken was cut short due to Lemmy’s health. A shame this happened, and I’m sure we’re all hoping that Lemmy gets well soon! Better that they cut the set short rather than try to have him over-exert himself. 

-And, of course, Watain announced a North American headlining tour in support of The Wild Hunt (and yes, I did drop $130 on their limited edition box set for the album, though I will unfortunately not be able to attend their show in Philly and am extremely disappointed because of that). If you’re in/near any of these cities, I highly recommend you catch Watain on this tour, and that you check out their upcoming album, The Wild Hunt.

-Click here to listen to "All That May Bleed" and here to listen to "The Child Must Die".
-If you plan on seeing Watain, get a feel for their live performance by checking out Opus Diaboli here.
-Click here for a better view of tour dates, posted on Watain's official Facebook page.

Reunited EMPEROR

Yep! Apparently might black metallers Emperor are going to reunite for next year's Wacken Open Air Festival, conveniently the festival's 25th anniversary. According to Ihsahn, the band will not be playing any new material during their headlining set at the famous festival, and truthfully, nobody knows what's to happen afterwards.

Ihsahn never said the band is staying together after the festival, though I've already seen some people online get excited about tours and new material. From what I've read, it might just be a one-off show. I don't think people should be jumping the gun so far as to be expecting world tours and whatnot. That part of the deal was never even hinted at. They're playing next year at Wacken, and then who knows what's to happen?

All I can say is that I hope this gets professionally recorded, because I'd love to see this performance and I envy anyone who plans on attending the festival next year.

EMPEROR-Curse You All Men! (Live Inferno Festival)

Well, that's it for this post, I suppose. As a bonus for this post having been a bit later than I would have originally liked, here's a picture of my Endless Damnation vinyl I got recently.

Disregard my ugly carpet.
Yes, it's one of the fifty signed by Nergal! It now sits at the helm of my ever-expanding collection of Polish death metal CDs, which are all laid out beside the rest of my CD collection. My Watain vinyl will be set right next to this as soon as I get it once the album is released, as Nergal is the primary reason I even decided to look up Watain in the first place. An immaculate duo.

-Dimmu Borgir
-That little girl on America's Got Talent
-"Irreligious" (a rant on obnoxious practitioners of their religions/lack thereof)
-My "Top 10" of last year
-Whatever else I feel like
-WINTERSUN w/ Fleshgod Apocalypse, Arsis, and Starkill, 8/7/13 (going for everyone but mostly Wintersun and Fleshgod)
-KAMELOT w/ Delain and Eklipse, 9/5/13 (going for Kamelot)
-VADER w/ Vital Remains and Sacrificial Slaughter, 9/18/13 (going for Vader – late birthday gift to myself…happy fuckin’ birthday to me!! also at a venue where my brother says, from experience, you're practically guaranteed to meet the bands...if I meet Peter, I shit you not, I will probably cry.)
OVERKILL w/ Kreator and Warbringer, 10/31/13 (going mostly for Kreator and Overkill, both of which are swapping headlining throughout the tour – Overkill is headlining while in Philly)
-MORBID ANGEL w/ TBA?, 11/13/13 (as of right now, going for Morbid Angel - first band I’ll see more than once!)
-LAMB OF GOD w/ Killswitch Engage, Testament, and Huntress, 11/24/13 (maybe; going for LoG and Testament)
-TRIVIUM w/ Devildriver, After the Burial, and Sylosis, 9/30/13 (maybe; for Devildriver)

BEHEMOTH-Here and Beyond

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