Sunday, July 7, 2013

Two Minutes to Midnight: Short Songs that Pack a Punch

So we're certainly all familiar with a load of epic, 7-10+ minute songs from multiple different bands. Some that come to mind might be a few of Metallica's instrumentals such as "Orion" and "To Live is to Die"; Wintersun's 7 and 13-minute masterpieces, "Sadness and Hate" and "Sons of Winter and Stars" respectively; Death's "Flesh and the Power it Holds"; Emperor's "Into the Infinity of Thoughts"; any of Carach Angren's three closing tracks; a good bit of Opeth's repertoire; and countless others. Often the most memorable part(s) of an album, these lengthy pieces tend to be some of my personal favorite tracks, and for good reason. Though, not everyone is quite fond of sitting and listening to the same song once for 12 and a half minutes. Sure, those people can certainly appreciate the musicianship, time, and effort that it takes to make these tracks, but they might prefer their enjoyment and energy in little bursts rather than a long (and, let's admit, sometimes drawn-out) monologue or something that feels like it's the soundtrack for an entire film.

Some people prefer short, 2-3 minute songs rather than 13 minute epics, and that's perfectly okay. Everyone has their own taste, though I feel that sometimes, these short songs do not get much attention, usually because they are overshadowed by their lengthy counterparts.

Well, we're going to take a few minutes here to shine a light on some of those shorter pieces. Below are ten great songs that are two minutes or less in running-time. These ten are not my favorite, but are ten randomly chosen songs from ten random artists that were lying around my iTunes or my "Favorites" on YouTube. Some will probably have been mentioned previously on my blog, some not, and others might be a complete curveball that even you have never heard of before. My tip? If you haven't heard of them, give the song below a shot. It won't take much time of your time (two minutes or less, guaranteed), and you may just find something you really like...

*Disclaimer: "Two minutes" does not take into account the seconds of the song. If a song is two minutes and fifty-nine seconds, it may be included. Anything three minutes or over is not.

1. VADER-Carnal
 Running time: 2:09 (Black to the Blind)/2:11 (XXV)

I'm not entirely sure if I've mentioned Vader since my very first post on this blog, and if I haven't then I'm quite ashamed of myself, but they are one of my favorite bands. If early Metallica is the band I turn to for longer songs, then Vader is definitely the band I turn to for shorter songs, so choosing a Vader song was a bit of a no-brainer. Though, with all the options, it was rather tough. "Carnal" originally comes from 1997's Black to the Blind and was rerecorded in 2008 for XXV. Both versions are fantastic, though I may be a minority when I say I prefer the latter of the two. Nothing against Black to the Blind, it's certainly a classic, but the intro on the rerecorded version is what gets me. Take a listen and you'll certainly understand. A music video was also released for the 2008 version, which will not be featured here, as a blog post specifically for music videos will come later on.

CARNAL from Black to the Blind (link)


2. BEHEMOTH-Pazuzu
Running time: 2:37 (The Apostasy)

Obviously Behemoth has been mentioned here before, so obviously they are one of my favorite bands. The opening riff to this song is so smooth and so enticing that I find it hard to skip over. My problem is that this song, I feel, doesn't get nearly as much attention as it is deserving of. Ask anyone for their favorite Behemoth songs and maybe two of every hundred will consider "Pazuzu". Am I saying it's their most underrated song? Not at all; I'd be more inclined to say that title belongs to "Hells Dwells in Ice" or "The Sermon to the Hypocrites". Anyway, two more things that make "Pazuzu" a great song: one, the name is fun to say (at least, I think so), and two, the eerie chorus that chants the first line with Nergal. It's so creepy but so good.


3. FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE-Post-Enlightenment Executor
Running time: 2:56 (Oracles)

There is little that needs to be said about these rising Italian monsters, so I'll just let the song speak for itself. All I can say is that I'm way too excited to see them next month while they tour with Wintersun. Enjoy the brutality; I sure will.

FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE-Post-Enlightenment Executor

4. DIMMU BORGIR-Fear and Wonder
Running time: 2:48 (Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia)

This list needed an instrumental, and I was absolutely floored the first time I heard this one from Dimmu. I used to be a very huge fan of the band, not so much anymore, but I cannot deny that the opening and closing instrumentals on this album were utterly fantastic. Mustis was the sole person credited for this song, and I wouldn't doubt that one bit. He was arguable the reason I loved Dimmu so much (I think Nick Barker is a bit of an overrated drummer but hey, that's just me), and it's such a pity that there was all that drama between him and Vortex, and the rest of the band. I won't go on a rant about Dimmu right now, maybe some other time, so for now, enjoy this beautiful instrumental.

DIMMU BORGIR-Fear and Wonder

5. CATTLE DECAPITATION-A Living, Breathing Piece Of Defecating Meat
Running time: 2:58 (Monolith of Inhumanity)

I mentioned this album on my previous post, stating that it was an album that took everyone by surprise in a positive way. It really is a great album, probably their best so far, and is full of great tracks. This is one of them, and is also the shortest on the album. Short and brutal. Perfect for this list. The vocals are probably my favorite part of this song, as they alternate between low growls, high and daunting shrieks, and a limited amount of pig squeals. Though not my favorite track from the album (that would be "Dead Set on Suicide"), this is certainly one of the songs that landed Monolith of Inhumanity on my "Top Ten for 2012" list.

CATTLE DECAPITATION-A Living, Breathing Piece Of Defecating Meat

6. IMMORTAL-Blizzard Beasts
Running time: 2:50 (Blizzard Beasts)

Who likes raw black metal!!
Certainly not as raw as it gets with "Blizzard Beasts", and there's a few reasons I chose this song. The fact that it isn't as raw as it gets is one of them. Others include that it, at the same time, is pretty raw, as well as that it is a great song by a very deserving band. Immortal has yet to be mentioned on my blog, so this list is the perfect excuse (as if anyone needs an 'excuse') to display some Immortal. They were my first black metal band -- just 100% black metal. No "symphonic", "melodic" "blackened" whatever. Just black metal. And not everything can be so polished and shiny all the time, so this list needed a bit of...imperfect perfection. Who better?

IMMORTAL-Blizzard Beasts

7. HATE-Flagellation
Running time: 2:40 (Awakening of the Liar)

Yes, some more Hate. What did you expect?
You've already witnessed me praise Solarflesh and Morphosis, but let's take a step back in time with "Flagellation" and Awakening of the Liar. Back an evil decade to 2003 where the band's line-up and sound was completely different except for ATF Sinner. The vocals were deeper, the production was a little rawer (not Immortal raw; I'd say a little up from Satanica), and nothing meant more than besmirching that which is Christianity. This album is almost completely different from Hate's most recent efforts, and is very worth giving a whirl. It is certainly some nasty death metal.


8. BLACK RIVER-Black 'n' Roll
Running time: 2:06 (Black 'N' Roll)

Curve ball alert!
Be forewarned that this song is nothing like any of the previous seven. It's no raw black metal or nasty death metal. The only similarity this song shares with any of the others is the bassist, and that, oddly enough, is the only reason I even know of this band in the first place. And for that I am glad! Behemoth bassist Orion was one of the original members of this band back when it was founded as a doom/gothic metal band in 1991 under the name Neolithic (yeah I know, how do you go from gothic metal to blackened death metal?), which has since changed into a heavy metal/stoner rock group under the name Black River. Orion is still a part of it, of course, though it's been considerably passive since 2010. But anyhow, if you're into some tamer, more modern rock'n'roll music every once in a while, then Merry Christless:

BLACK RIVER-Black 'n' Roll

9. CARACH ANGREN-Spectral Infantry Battalions
Running time: 2:04 (Where the Corpses Sink Forever)

I've raved over these guys in the past, I'm sure, and I've even done a review of this album, but they are undoubtedly the rising stars of symphonic black metal. They are masters of their craft, and "Spectral Infantry Battalions" is but a short glimpse of all that they can do. It specifically highlights Seregor's unique vocals and Ardek's ability to create a great, spooky atmosphere. It's haunting and calming at the same time, so if you've heard of these guys but never really bothered to check them out, take a couple minutes (literally) and do so. It's worth it.

CARACH ANGREN-Spectral Infantry Battalions

10. BATHORY-Satan My Master
Running time: 2:09 (Jubileum Volume III)

You didn't expect me to make a list of short songs and not include Bathory, did you?
Most other songs in this list, I've said to use them as a way to introduce yourself to a new band. This one, however, is different. Certainly everyone who listens to metal at least knows the names Bathory and Quorthon, so this was put here as a way to remind people of where it all started ('it' as in black metal, at least), as well as to introduce those who are new to the genre to its origins.
Other than that, I don't think Bathory needs much of an introduction.

BATHORY-Satan My Master

Well, that's pretty much it for this list. I hope you enjoyed this post despite that it did come a little late. Sorry about that to anyone who's been tuned in more than once. I'll try to avoid another list for a little while, but in the mean time here are some of my upcoming posts, as well as the song that lent its title to the name of this blog post:

-Dimmu Borgir
-That little girl on America's Got Talent
-My local metal scene
-"Irreligious" (a rant on obnoxious practitioners of their religions/lack thereof)
-My "Top 10" of last year
-Whatever else I feel like

IRON MAIDEN-Two Minutes to Midnight

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